Llimpi is sponsored by the Faculty of Education Sciences of the National University of Huancavelica, Peru. It publishes only original and unpublished articles of scientific research with Education as its objective theme, with a thematic coverage that covers topics related to educational work, with national and international teachers, students and researchers as its target audience. Manuscripts submitted to the journal must be original and unpublished and the intellectual property of the authors. They have not been published or submitted for evaluation in another journal, and may be written in Spanish, Portuguese or English. All original articles published have passed the double-blind peer review process carried out by professional peers of the authors of the articles. Llimpi is published twice a year, in two periods: January-June and July-December. Llimpi adheres to the international ethical standards and codes established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors, COPE). Llimpi does not receive payment from the authors of the articles for submitting their articles to the editorial process, and does not receive payment for published articles. The file of your manuscript must be sent to the email address of the editor in chief of the journal: Llimpi is registered in Crossref. eISSN: 2961-2438