FitoVida Journal from the Interamerican University for Development

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FitoVida Journal from the Interamerican University for Development. (2022). OAindex, 1(1), Perú - ISSN: 2955.



FitoVida Journal is a biannual publication of the Interamerican University for Development (UNID) that disseminates original and unpublished contributions from national and international authors, as a result of scientific and technological research, aimed at researchers, students, academics and professionals, with competence and interests in the field of social and applied sciences under a multidisciplinary approach, whose findings entail contributions of relevance and impact, both for the scientific community and for the business sector and society in general.

Its mission is to contribute to scientific development by disseminating knowledge through high-quality, socially relevant multidisciplinary publications, on the path to the progress of science and the appropriation of knowledge. Its vision is to become a reference for scientific research in Latin America and a representative medium of academic productivity at the service of society.

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