Prometeo Conocimiento Científico with ISSN 2953-4275, Multidisciplinary journal. Indexed in EBSCO, Latindex Directory, CLASE, BIBLAT, Sherpa Romeo, MIAR, among others. It started as a biannual publication, and from 2023 it adopts the CONTINUOUS PUBLICATION policy. Our journal is published under the responsibility of Puerto Madero Editorial Académica. Its objective is the dissemination of scientific knowledge and the intellectual production generated by national and international researchers in Administration, Law and jurisprudence, Education, Multidisciplinary, Statistics. The Journal publishes original and unpublished articles, which will be subject to external evaluators (DOUBLE BLIND Double anonymized peer review). All publications of the journal will be open access and no payment will be required to view them. Under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0).